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По иномаркам Тут по автоэлектрика по иномаркам.

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Старый 07.08.2007, 21:24   #1
Регистрация: 07.06.2007
Сообщений: 3
Вес репутации: 0

По умолчанию

После удара в левое крыло отказал электроусилитель руля (рычаг подвески менялся).На диагностики сказали менять сам электродвигатель(сгорел).В зникают большие сомнения в правильности выводов.т.к. даже предохранитель остался целым.Может есть у кого-нибудь электросхема,документация на эту приблуду.Вещь дорогая и хотелось быть увереным. toyota corolla 2004г.

Заранее благодарен за любую информацию.
kud561 вне форума   Ответить с цитированием
Старый 10.08.2007, 10:36   #2
Регистрация: 20.07.2004
Сообщений: 457
Вес репутации: 0

По умолчанию

Вот выдержка из мануала каки привести в чувства усилитель руля.

3. INPUT SIGNAL CHECK (TEST MODE) (a) In case of not using hand-held tester:

Check the input signal.

(1) Using SST, connect terminals Ts and CG of DLC3. SST 09843-18040

(2) Turn the ignition switch to ON.

(3) Check that the PS warning light shows the normal code.

(4) Check the PS warning light goes off with driving at

the vehicle speed of 10 km/h (6 mph) or over, with

the engine speed being more than 300 rpm.


If the PS warning light goes off during driving, the sensor judged to be normal.

(5) Stop the vehicle.

(6) Using SST, connect terminals Tc and CG of DLC3. SST 09843-18040

(7) Read the number of blinks of the PS warning light. HINT: See the list of DTC shown on the this page. Even if a sensor is normal, it output codes 71 and 73 during test mode.

( After doing check, disconnect the SST from the terminal Ts and CG, Tc and CG of DLC3, and turn the

ignition switch to OFF. SST 09843-18040 ( In case of using hand-held tester:

Check the input signal.

(1) Hook up the hand-held tester to the DLC3.

(2) Check the warning light goes off with driving more

than 10 km/h (6 mph) or engine speed more than 300 rpm.

(3) Read the DTC by following the prompts on the tester screen.

HINT: Please refer to the hand-held tester operator’s manual

for further details. See the list of DTC shown on the bottom of this page. Even if a sensor is normal, it outputs codes C1571/71 and C1573/73 during test mode.




Perform this operation in the following cases. When removing and installing ”tilt steering column assembly” and ”steering gear assembly”. When replacing power steering ECU assy.

(a) Place front wheels and steering wheel facing straight ahead.

( In case of using hand-held tester:

Perform the torque sensor zero point initialization. HINT:

If the power steering ECU assy is replaced, however, this operation is not necessary.

(1) Stop the vehicle.

(2) Hook up the hand-held tester to the DLC3.

(3) Select the ”TRQ SENS ADJUST” mode on the hand-held tester.


(5) Following the screen instructions, perform the torque sensor zero point initialization.


Please refer to the hand-held tester operator’s manual for further details.

© In case of not using hand-held tester:

Perform the torque sensor zero point initialization.


If the power steering ECU assy is replaced, however, this operation is not necessary.

(1) Stop the vehicle.

(2) Using SST, connect terminals Ts and CG of DLC3. SST 09843-18040

(3) Using SST, connect terminals Tc and CG of DLC3. SST 09843-18040

(4) Disconnect and connect the terminal Tc of DLC3 20 times within 20 seconds.

(5) Check the DTC C1515/15.

(d) In case of using hand-held tester:

Perform the torque sensor zero point calibration. HINT:

Don’t touch the steering wheel.

(1) Select the ”TRQ SENS ADJUST” mode on thehand-held tester.

(2) Select the ”ZERO POINT ADJUST”.

(3) Following the screen instructions, perform the torque sensor zero point calibration.


Please refer to the hand-held tester operator’s manual for further details.

(e) In case of not using hand-held tester:

Perform the torque sensor zero point calibration. HINT: Don’t touch the steering wheel. Check that the DTC for except C1515/15 is not output.

(1) Stop the vehicle and turn the ignition switch to OFF.

(2) Using SST, connect terminals Ts and CG of DLC3 and ignition switch to ON. SST 09843-18040

(3) Disconnect the SST. SST 09843-18040

(4) Check the DTC is not output.
Baden вне форума   Ответить с цитированием
Старый 17.08.2007, 23:46   #3
Регистрация: 27.11.2004
Сообщений: 2,406
Вес репутации: 0
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