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Диагностика Все что касается проблем с
диагностикой различных авто

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Старый 24.02.2006, 01:31   #1
Регистрация: 05.02.2004
Сообщений: 1,234
Вес репутации: 0

По умолчанию

У данного девайса низкие обороты, 650.

Клиент жалуется ,что может глохнуть.Все параметры в норме.Ошибок нет.

Дроссельная промыта. Базовая по 000, 060 и 098 не работает. Там другие параметры.

Как поднять ХХ ? Может чего-то в адаптации есть?

В Ельзе ничего не нарыл,по данному авто.
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Старый 24.02.2006, 10:30   #2
Регистрация: 23.01.2006
Сообщений: 285
Вес репутации: 0

По умолчанию

В Эльзе ищи этот мотор на Ауди поскоку на Фолаксвагене свежие моторы как правило в VAS 5051 описуха.А там хоть какая то инфа.Я вот тут скопировал из Эльзы раздел по адаптацию-почитай если не найдешь.Хотя даже там нет раздела 01 Self diagnosis.Попробуй также подобрать подобный мотор с Симосом и описанием диагностики.Как правило группы и пр. там совпадают.


– Connect vehicle diagnostic, testing and information system -VAS 5051- or fault reader -V.A.G 1551- and select engine electronics control unit by entering “address word ” 01. For this purpose, the ignition must be switched on.

Indicated on display:

– Enter “04” for the function “Start basic setting” and confirm entry with the Q key.

Rapid data transfer HELP

Select function XX

Indicated on display:

– Enter “060” for “Display group number 060” and confirm entry with the Q key.

When the Q key is pressed, the throttle valve positioner is deenergised.

In this condition, the throttle valve is pulled into an emergency running position by a mechanical spring which is located in the throttle valve control unit. The values supplied by the two angle senders in this emergency running position are stored in the engine control unit.

The throttle valve is then opened by a predetermined amount. Once this value is attained, the throttle valve actuator is de-energised again. The mechanical spring should then close the throttle valve to the previously learnt emergency running position within a specified period of time (spring test).

The throttle valve actuator then closes the throttle valve; the values supplied by the angle senders in the throttle valve control unit are stored in the engine control unit.

If the engine control unit disconnects the throttle valve actuator from the electricity supply while the vehicle is being driven, the result will be an increased and fluctuating idling speed and a very poor throttle response.

Initiate basic setting Q

Enter display group number XXX

Indicated on display:

– Check specification for throttle valve control unit (display zone 4).

System in basic setting 60 ->

1 2 3 4

Display zones

1 2 3 4

Display group 60: Adaption of throttle valve control unit

Display xx % xx % --- ---

Readout Throttle valve angle

(angle sender 1) Throttle valve angle

(angle sender 2) Adaption stage counter Adaption status

Range 0...100% 100...0 % x...x ADP running



Specification 5.9...92.2 % 95.1...8.7 % 0 ADP OK

Note: If the specification is not attained: ? Note,

Page ? Chapter.

Note!During adaption, various digits are displayed in display zone 3 which represent the relevant adaption status. The most crucial factor is not the way in which the adaption stage counter (display zone 3) behaves during the adaption process, but that the specification “ADP OK” is displayed after adaption in display zone 4.

Note!The abbreviation “ADP” in display zone 4 stands for “Adaption”.

Note!t If the adaption is interrupted by the control unit, the reason could be one of the following:

t The throttle valve cannot close completely (e.g. dirt).

t Connectors (e.g. on throttle valve control unit) have become loose, are not properly engaged or contacts in plugs are corroded/bent.

t Battery voltage is too low (below 8 Volt).

t Throttle valve control unit or wiring is defective.

t Engine started during adaption.

t Distortion of throttle valve housing (check screw connection).

– End the engine basic setting by pressing the ? key.
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