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Диагностика Все что касается проблем с
диагностикой различных авто

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Старый 30.01.2006, 19:17   #1
Регистрация: 21.11.2004
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По умолчанию

VW Passat 2.3

Кузов 3B3


Система впрыска ME7.1

Зафиксированы ошибки:

P 0134 (лямбда зонд, нет сигнала)

P 1103 (цепь нагрева лямбда зонда, мала мощность)

Стоит широкополосник, судя по всему. Пять проводов.

1. черный

2. не задействован

3. серый

4. белый

5. желтый

6. красный

Сопротивление подогрева 4,5 Ом (между 4 и 3)

Кто знает, скока подогрев у нового? И…это …может не там рою ?

На х.х сигнал 1,520 Вольт. При перегазовках есть изменение до 0 и выше 2 Вольт
Maksimka вне форума   Ответить с цитированием
Старый 30.01.2006, 19:45   #2
Регистрация: 09.01.2005
Сообщений: 2,430
Вес репутации: 0

По умолчанию

Checking functions

Checking Lambda probe ageing of Lambda probe 1 before catalyst

Special tools, workshop equipment, testers, measuring instruments and auxiliary items required

◆ Fault reader V.A.G 1551 or vehicle system tester V.A.G 1552 with cable V.A.G 1551/3

Test conditions

● Coolant temperature must be at least 85 °C, =>display group 04, display zone 3.

Functional check

‒ Connect fault reader V.A.G 1551 (V.A.G 1552). Start engine and select "Address word" 01 of engine control unit. When doing this the engine must be running at idling speed.

(Connecting fault reader and selecting engine control unit => Page 01-9.)

→ Indicated on display: Rapid data transfer HELP

Select function XX

‒ Press keys 0 and 4 for the function "Introduction of basic setting" and confirm entry with Q key.

→ Indicated on display: Basic setting

Input display group number XXX

‒ Press keys 0, 3 and 4 for "Display group number 34" and confirm entry with Q key.

→ Indicated on display:

(1...4 = Display zones) System in basic setting 34 ⇒

1 2 3 4

‒ Depress brake pedal and hold.

‒ Press accelerator pedal to wide-open position.

The engine speed is increased by the control unit to

approx. 1 800 rpm.

‒ Maintain increased idling speed until the display

in display zone 4 jumps from "Test OFF" to "Test ON". The catalyst temperature in

display zone 2 must be at least 350 °C.


This process can take a few minutes.

‒ Continue to maintain engine speed until the specification "B1-P1" appears in

display zone 4.

If the specifications are not attained:

‒ Carry out a road test to free Lambda probe of possible residues and repeat the test.

Observe the valid safety precautions when carrying out a road test => Page 24-26.

If the specifications are again not attained:

‒ Renew Lambda probe before catalyst (G39)

=>Page 24-14, item 19.


If the Lambda probe is renewed, the learnt values in the engine control unit must be erased => Page 24-132.

‒ Interrogate fault memory, if necessary, repair any faults and then erase fault memory => Page 01-15, interrogating and erasing fault memory.

Checking components

Checking Lambda probe heating for Lambda probe before catalyst

Only gold-plated contacts must be used to repair the contacts in the Lambda probes connectors.

Special tools, workshop equipment, testers, measuring instruments and auxiliary items required

◆ Fault reader V.A.G 1551 or vehicle system tester V.A.G 1552 with cable V.A.G 1551/3

◆ Test box V.A.G 1598/31

◆ Hand multimeter V.A.G 1526 or multimeter V.A.G 1715

◆ Adapter set V.A.G 1594

◆ Current flow diagram

Check conditions

● → Fuse 34 must be OK.

● The battery voltage must be at least 11.5 V.

● Fuel pump relay must be OK

Test sequence for Lambda probe 1 bank 1

‒ Connect fault reader V.A.G 1551 (V.A.G 1552). Start engine and select "Address word" 01 of engine control unit. When doing this the engine must be running at idling speed.

(Connecting fault reader and selecting engine control unit => Page 01-9.)

→ Indicated on display: Rapid data transfer HELP

Select function XX

‒ Press keys 0 and 8 for the function "Read measured value block" and confirm entry with Q key.

→ Indicated on display: Read measured value block

Input display group number XXX

‒ Press keys 0, 4 and 1 for "Display group number 41" and confirm entry with Q key.

→ Indicated on display:

(1...4 = Display zones) Read measured value block 42 ⇒

1 2 3 4

‒ Check the specifications for the Lambda probe heating in display zone 2.

Display zones





Display group 41: Lambda probe heating before and after catalyst



Htg.bC.ON /



Htg.aC.ON /




Lambda probe heating before catalyst ON


Lambda probe heating before catalyst OFF


Lambda probe heating after catalyst ON


Lambda probe heating after catalyst OFF





(occasionally alternating)




The Lambda probe heating may be switched ON or OFF depending on the operating conditions of the engine, therefore the display in display zone 2 may show "Htg.b(a)C.ON" or alternating from "Htg.b(a)C.ON" to Htg.(b)aC.OFF".

If the specifications are not obtained:

‒ Press ⇒key.

‒ Press keys 0 and 6 for the function "End output" and confirm entry with the Q key.

‒ Switch off ignition.

‒ → Separate the 6-pin connector (black) -1- to Lambda probe before catalyst (G39).

‒ → Set multimeter to measure resistance and check resistance of probe heating at Lambda probe connector contacts 3+4.

Specification: 2.5...10.0 ω

If it is determined that probe heating has an open circuit:

‒ Replace the Lambda probe before catalyst (G39).

If the Lambda probe is renewed, the learnt values in the engine control unit must be erased => Page 24-132

If probe heating has continuity:

Checking voltage supply

‒ → Connect multimeter using aux. cables from V.A.G 1594 to measure voltage at contacts 3 and 4 (connector to engine control unit).

‒ Start engine and run at idling speed.

‒ Measure voltage supply and observe the display group 42, display zone 2.

Display, Htg.bC.ON:

Specification: 11.0...14.5 V

Display, Htg. bC.ON/Htg.bC.OFF (alternating):

Specification: Between 0.0...12.0 V fluctuating

‒ Switch off ignition.

If no voltage is present:

‒ → Connect test box V.A.G 1598/31 to control unit wiring harness. The engine control unit remains disconnected.

‒ → Check wiring for open circuit between test box and 6-pin connector according to current flow diagram.

Contact 4+socket 5

Wire resistance: Max. 1.5 ω

If the specification is obtained:

‒ Check wire for open circuit between 6-pin connector contact 3 and fuel pump relay (J17) using current flow diagram.

Wire resistance: max. 1.5 ω

Checking functions

Checking Lambda probe and Lambda regulation before catalyst


The Lambda probe before catalyst is continually regulated and can be distinguished with its 6-pin connector from the Lambda probe after catalyst.

Only gold-plated contacts must be used to repair the contacts in the Lambda probes connectors.

Special tools, workshop equipment, testers, measuring instruments and auxiliary items required

◆ Fault reader V.A.G 1551 or vehicle system tester V.A.G 1552 with cable V.A.G 1551/3

◆ Test box V.A.G 1598/31

◆ Hand multimeter V.A.G 1526 or multimeter V.A.G 1715

◆ Adapter set V.A.G 1594

◆ Current flow diagram

Check conditions

● → Fuse 34 must be OK.

● The battery voltage must be at least 11.5 V.

● Exhaust system between catalyst and cylinder head must be free of leaks

● Coolant temperature must be at least 85 °C, =>display group 04, display zone 3.

Functional check

‒ Connect fault reader V.A.G 1551 (V.A.G 1552). Start engine and select "Address word" 01 of engine control unit. When doing this the engine must be running at idling speed.

(Connecting fault reader and selecting engine control unit => Page 01-9.)

→ Indicated on display: Rapid data transfer HELP

Select function XX

‒ Press keys 0 and 8 for the function "Read measured value block" and confirm entry with Q key.

→ Indicated on display: Read measured value block

Input display group number XXX

‒ Press keys 0, 3 and 0 for the "Display group number 30" and confirm entry with Q key.

→ Indicated on display:

(1...4 = Display zones) Read measured value block 30 ⇒

1 2 3 4

‒ Check status of Lambda regulation before catalyst (display zone 1).

Specification: 1 1 1

Significance of 3 digit number block in display zone 1:

Significance if display = 1





Lambda regulation active


Lambda probe operationally ready


Lambda probe heating on

‒ => Page 01-145, display zone 30 and evaluation

If the Lambda probe heating is not active, i.e. constantly has the value 0:

‒ Check Lambda probe heating before catalyst => Page 24-30.

If the Lambda probe or the Lambda regulation is not active:

‒ Change to display group 32 as follows:

‒ Press C key.

‒ Press keys 0, 3 and 2 for "Display group number 32" and confirm entry with Q key.

→ Indicated on display:

(1...4 = Display zones) Read measured value block 32 ⇒

1 2 3 4

‒ Check the learnt Lambda values at idle (additive) in display zone 1.

Specification: -5.4...5.4 %

‒ Check Lambda learnt values at partial load (multiplicative) in display zone 2.

Specification: -10.0...10.0 %

‒ => Page 01-145, display group 32 and evaluation

If one or more specifications are not attained:

‒ Change to display group 33 as follows:

V.A.G 1551: Press key 3

V.A.G 1552: Press key ↑

→ Indicated on display:

(1...4 = Display zones) Read measured value block 33 ⇒

1 2 3 4

‒ => Page 01-145, display group 33 and evaluation

‒ Observe Lambda control in display zone 1. The display must fluctuate in the range

-10.0...10.0 % by at least 2 %.

‒ Check Lambda probe voltage in display zone 2. The voltage must be at least

1.35 V.

If one or both of zones 1 and 2 does not display the specification:

‒ Switch off ignition.

‒ Check Lambda probe wiring =>Pages 24-106.


If the Lambda regulation in display zone 1 does not fluctuate in the stated range:

‒ Press ⇒key.

‒ Press keys 0 and 6 for the function "End output" and confirm entry with the Q key.

‒ Carry out a test drive to remove possible residue on Lambda probe and repeat check.

Observe the valid safety precautions when carrying out a road test => Page 24-26.

If the the specifications in display zone 1 are not obtained even after a test drive, or the value does not fluctuate by at least 2 %:

‒ Check the Lambda probe before catalyst for ageing =>Page 24-112.

Possible causes of fault if probe control frequency is too slow:

◆ The slots or holes in probe body are blocked

◆ The probe vent hole in area of connecting wire is blocked

◆ The probe has been overheated (glazed)

◆ The probe has been damaged by leaded fuel

Checking Lambda probe wiring:

‒ → Connect test box V.A.G 1598/31 to control unit wiring harness. The engine control unit remains disconnected.

‒ → Separate (black) 6-pin connector -1- to Lambda probe 1 before catalyst (G39).

‒ → Check wiring for open circuit between test box and 6-pin connector (to control unit) using current flow diagram.

Contact 1+socket 70

Contact 2+socket 71

Contact 4+socket 05

Contact 5+socket 51

Contact 6+socket 52

Wire resistance: max. 1.5 ω

‒ Additionally check wires all for short to one another.

Specification: ∞ω

If no fault is detected:

‒ Renew the Lambda probe 1 bank 1 (G39).
aleksKaliningrad вне форума   Ответить с цитированием
Старый 31.01.2006, 20:49   #3
Регистрация: 07.06.2004
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По умолчанию

Ни чё себе, Алекс, ты вывалил

А вот что перевёл ПРОМТ-7
sovg вне форума   Ответить с цитированием
Старый 31.01.2006, 23:51   #4
Регистрация: 09.01.2005
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По умолчанию

небыло времени печатать... :11:

в переводе когда знаешь о чем реч впринципе все понятно

там три страницЫ

в первой запуск активного теста лямбды

второй проверка функции обогрева лямбды она там интересная -значения на сканере меняются вкл выкл вкл выкл

ну и в третей проверка функций лямбды


aleksKaliningrad вне форума   Ответить с цитированием
Старый 01.02.2006, 02:19   #5
Регистрация: 24.01.2006
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По умолчанию

Привет, Макс !

Советую найти книгу Лещенко

Кислородные датчики.(Устройство, принцип действия, диагностика)

(Цена где-то 80.00руб )

Там подробно рассмотрены ДК разных систем, много информации

к размышлению. Рассмотрены там и те, которые тебя интересуют.

Вооружишься знаниями, сам догадаешься как проверять датчик.

Часто напосредственная проверка вернее, чем через скан.

(Датчик в твоем случае стоит весьма дорого. И клиенту надо достоверно

сказать : он - не он).

P.S.: Сопротивление подогрева 4,5 Ом (между 4 и 3) - похоже на правду.

Скорее всего комп жалуется на малую мощь нагрева так, до кучи

(посольку слабый нагрев также может быть причиной "слабины" ДК,

как и естественная состаренность), а наиболее вероятно, что

ДК закоксован отложениями или состарился.
rahnlab вне форума   Ответить с цитированием
Старый 01.02.2006, 10:41   #6
Регистрация: 30.03.2004
Сообщений: 395
Вес репутации: 0

По умолчанию

Советую найти книгу Лещенко

Кислородные датчики.(Устройство, принцип действия, диагностика)
а может у кого есть эта книга в электронном виде???
andrew_brest вне форума   Ответить с цитированием

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