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Старый 04.02.2006, 12:25   #1
Регистрация: 20.11.2004
Сообщений: 2,123
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По умолчанию

Есть 2 родных ключа. Один пластиковый с пином. Надо сделать третий. В Москве. Может кто занимается?
zippo вне форума   Ответить с цитированием
Старый 04.02.2006, 15:55   #2
Регистрация: 28.01.2006
Сообщений: 106
Вес репутации: 0


'zippo' *'Feb 4 2006, 09:25']Есть 2 родных ключа. Один пластиковый с пином. Надо сделать третий. В Москве. Может кто занимается?

Эсли есть VAG-COM то можно:

Procedure for matching keys to vehicles with Immobilizer in the Instrument Cluster:

(includes many 1999+ Golf/GTI/Jetta/New Beetle/Passat, also Audi)


[17 - Instruments]

[Login - 11]

Enter zero followed by the 4-digit SKC.

For example, if your SKC is 1234, enter 01234.

[Do It!]

[Adaptation - 10]

Enter 21 in "Channel Number"


The "Stored Value" is the number of keys currently matched.

Enter "new value" of 0



This clears out the old key-matchings.

Enter a "new value" corresponding to the total number of keys to be matched, including any existing keys



[Done, Go Back]

[Close Controller, Go Back - 06]

Switch ignition off and remove key

Insert next key to ignition and switch ignition on again

The warning light for the Immobilizer will light up for ~2 seconds, then go out

Switch ignition off and remove key

Repeat step 4 with each key until all keys have been matched.

Procedure for adding keys to vehicles with separate Immobilizer:

(Includes 2000+ EuroVan, Cabrio, and many older non-US models)


[25 - Immobilizer]

[Login - 11]

Enter zero followed by the 4-digit SKC.

For example, if your SKC is 1234, enter 01234.

[Do It!]

[Adaptation - 10]

Enter 01 in "Channel Number"


The "Stored Value" is the number of keys currently matched.

Enter "new value" of 0



This clears out the old key-matchings.

Enter a "new value" corresponding to the total number of keys to be matched, including any existing keys



[Done, Go Back]

[Close Controller, Go Back - 06]

Switch ignition off and remove key

Insert next key to ignition and switch ignition on again

Count to two ("One one-thousand, two one-thousand") out loud

Switch ignition off and remove key

Repeat step 4 with each key until all keys have been matched.
Ainaras вне форума   Ответить с цитированием
Старый 04.02.2006, 16:22   #3
Регистрация: 12.02.2005
Сообщений: 1,700
Вес репутации: 0

По умолчанию

BMW it not the machine and a spacecraft!

Поменяй на:

BMW is not a machine, it is a spacecraft!

а то люди не поймут что хотел сказать без помощи русского текста.
Vaklin вне форума   Ответить с цитированием

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