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Старый 29.10.2005, 12:40   #1
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Доброго времени суток Вам.

Кто может подсказать метки дисков Электронного каталога запчастей TOYOTA(EPC)? Данные есть. Пишу на диск, а программа не устанавливается, говорит, что диск не тот. Или может кто знает где в самой программе найти эти метки?
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Старый 29.10.2005, 21:00   #2
Регистрация: 12.02.2005
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>From my experience the parts dealerships in the U.S. were converted from a

microfiche based parts catalog to Unix base electronic parts catalog (EPC) some

years ago. However, Toyota is currently in the process of converting the US

dealerships over to a PC based system, because it's cheaper to maintain. Many

of the other countries and some of the US dealerships have already been

converted . So, depending upon where you live, the dealership will have

microfiche, a Unix based EPC or, a PC based EPC.






1) Make sure you unzip the files before burning. I know it

sounds stupid but somebody will do it.

2) The files have been zip straight off the CD so make sure

your directory structure is right for the burn.


3) The files should be burned to a CD with the label


4) The files should be burned to a CD with the label


5) Setup and installation notes are in in the

EPC\readme.txt file






As I stated in the previous message постed to the list. You have to put

the images onto CDs in order to run the program. Make sure the volume labels

on the CDs are 19950622E1 for and 19950322E2 for If you

don't have the right volume labels on the CDs the program will install but,

won't run properly.

Once you have the CDs, run the "setup.exe" program in the "EPC" directory

on 19950622E1. Leave all of the options as default. If you have more than one

CD-ROM drive go ahead and set it up during installation.

Once the installation is finished, run "EPC for windows" from the start

menu. Select CD setup from the main menu. Select CD setup from the second

menu. Next check the European area version check box. Next click the add

button in the European area version box. You will be presented with a change

status dialog box. select CD-ROM from the radio buttons and highlight the "A1

CD-ROM" and "A2 CD-ROM" choices in the list box (use the shift key). Then

click the OK button. Next press F10. The program will prompt you for both CDs

during the setup phase. Once the setup is completed, press F3 to return to the

main menu.






Now, there are different data CDs that go with the EPC depending upon which

country you live in Europe, Japan, etc. The version that I have is for Europe.

However, thanks to Toyota's part numbering system you can use PNC (not sure

what it stands for) which is the first 6 or 7 digits of the part number to

identify which part you need. The rest of the number is refered to as a

"locator number" and determines which country, color, trim package, year, etc.

that you have. All of the PNC numbers that I have checked so far, match up

with the microfiche that I have for my car (91T). If you are concerned about

whether a given part number matches, send me the number and I'll double check

it with my microfiche or local dealership.






The pictures on the CDs look like they came straight from the microfiche.

In order to access them do the following:

1) Start EPC for windows

2) Select Part number translation from the menu

3) Enter the VIN number from your car to only see your car's parts


a) Enter "supra" under model name/catalog code.

Hit Enter or click search

c) pick your model from the list


click the search button next to model name/catalog code

for a list of all models

4) press F10

5) Pick the figure groups you want to see or enter info into

one of the search boxes

6) Press F10.

Presto magic you have pictures

Once you have a picture displayed, you will notice that the PNCs are

printed directly on the pictures and they are listed in a column on the right

hand side of the screen. You can select a part and гет additional information

by clicking the PNC on the picture and pressing F10. You may also select a PNC

from the list on the right hand side of the screen and press F10. This will

display the full part number for the item. You will notice that some parts

display more than one entry. That's because some locator numbers change

depending upon what color your car is and what options it has.







Why can't I see everything?


You must use a screen resolution of 1024x768 or higher with small



I've got 6Gig of free space, why do I гет

an insufficent disk space error?


The EPC program is very old which means it does not understand todays

massive hard drives. There are two solutions to this problem. First, you

can copy random data to your hard disk into a temporary folder until the error

goes away. You can delete the data after you install the program. Second, you

can install to a much smaller hard drive and then copy the program to your

larger drive.


Why am I not an authorized Lexus



The message is normal for the program. It just simply means that you have

not keyed in a Lexus dealer authorization key. I don't have one and don't know

anyone who does. The only thing it should affect is the Lexus parts. Sorry,

you can't lookup the Lexus AFM.


Why can't I гет prices for parts?


From what I've been able to figure out, in order to гет pricing you have to

be on the private Toyota dealer network.


Will the EPC run from a hard disk?


During "CD setup" change the check box on the "Add CD-ROM" screen from

CD-ROM to Hard Disk. Then press F10 to copy the CDs to the hard drive.

Vaklin вне форума   Ответить с цитированием
Старый 31.10.2005, 15:11   #3
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А для дисков Европа 2004 какин лейблы? Всего 4 диска. Лежат мертвым грузом, обидно. Для 2000 года есть и работают.
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Старый 06.11.2005, 21:55   #4
Регистрация: 18.07.2004
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2004/1 B1 20031217e3

2004/1 B2 20031217e4
Ol вне форума   Ответить с цитированием
Старый 07.11.2005, 10:28   #5
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Спасибо, попробую. А для А дисков нет?
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Старый 13.11.2005, 18:48   #6
Регистрация: 18.07.2004
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Там соответственно e1 и e2
Ol вне форума   Ответить с цитированием
Старый 15.11.2005, 12:39   #7
Регистрация: 30.05.2004
Сообщений: 32
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У меня есть вся тоёта 2005 если ещё не нашёл метки, пиши я тебе дам метки
Криптонов Вася вне форума   Ответить с цитированием
Старый 25.11.2005, 21:11   #8
Сообщений: n/a

По умолчанию

Метки для 2004 дисков у меня правильные, сейчас проверил, но все равно оболочка их не признает. Может надо новую оболочку? У меня стоит EPC для Windows 98. С дисками 2000 года проблем нет, работают.
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